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The Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2024)に参加しました。

2024/12/23(Mon) 14:29

9/1-6にアメリカユタ州のソルトレイクシティで開催されたThe Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2024)に参加しました。


淡路教授, 1LOr2C-01: [Invited] Progress of 33T cryogen-free superconducting magnet project at HFLSM
土屋准教授 1件目 1LOr1A-02: Charging HTS magnet by REBCO superconducting diode bridge : concept and first demonstration
土屋准教授 2件目 3LOr1B-05: Critical current measurement of supercoducting tapes by 5 kA-class pulsed current at low temperatures and high magnetic fields
Alexandre Zampa (ポスドク) 3LOr2E-04: Impact of coupling currents developing in the two-tape bundle of a large-scale prototype of a cryogen-free HTS insert coil during rapid discharges
櫻井 (D2) 3LPo2I-04: Metal-insulator transition behavior of RECoO3 for quench protection of high field superconducting magnets



文責 櫻井