Preparation of nano-particle Dispersed Glass Hybrid under High Magnetic Field

Nano-size molecule and fine particle dispersed glass hybrids were prepared by a sol-gel process under high magnetic field. The molecule or particle containing silica sol gelated under 13.2 T. Transparent glass hybrid was obtained by drying the gel up to 100oC outside. In the case of liquid crystal molecule (PE9CN) dispersed silica hybrid, the chain structure of the molecule was oriented along the direction of magnetic field, from the analysis of angular dependence of depolarization factor of the –CN stretching vibration mode at around 2230 cm-1 in Raman scattering spectra.
National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology: N. Kitamura, K. Fukumi, J. Nishii
IMR, Tohoku University: K. Takahashi, I. Mogi
ナノサイズの液晶分子や粒子が分散したハイブリッドガラスゲルを強磁場下で作製した.ナノ粒子を分散させたTEOSを主成分とするシリカゾルを13.2 Tの磁場下でゲル化させた.ゲルは外部で乾燥させ透光性ハイブリッドガラスを得た.液晶(PE9CN)を分散させたシリカハイブリッドでは,ラマン散乱スペクトルにおける2230 cm-1近傍の-CN伸縮振動モードの偏光解消度に角度依存性が確認され,磁場印加方向に液晶分子鎖が配列していることが確認された.
東北大学金属材料研究所:高橋弘紀,茂木 巌