Magnetic Properties of MnBi in High Magnetic Field and High Temperature

We have studied the magnetic properties of MnBi in high magnetic fields and high temperature using a Faraday force magnetometer that was developed in HFLSM. The magnetic phase transition temperature (Tt) at B = 0 T is 628 K and linearly increases with increasing magnetic field at the rate of 2.3 KT-1. A metamagnetic transition between the paramagnetic (Mn1.08Bi+Bi) and field-induced ferromagnetic (MnBi) states was observed just above Tt. The results obtained suggest that the magnetic, structural, peritectic composition and decomposition can be controlled by magnetic fields.
IMR, Tohoku University : K. Koyama, T. Onogi, K. Watanabe
Reference: T. Onogi, K. Koyama and K. Watanabe,
“Magnetic properties of MnBi in hgh magnetic fields and high temperature”, J. Jpn Inst. Metals 71 (2007) 489-493.
K. Koyama, et al.,
“Magnetic phase transition of MnBi under high magnetic fields and high temperature”, to be published in Mater. Trans.
MnBiは,ゼロ磁場中では628K付近において,強磁性MnBi(NiAs型構造)から常磁性Mn1.08Bi(Ni2In型構造)+Bi(液体)に分解を伴って一次相転移をすると報告されている.我々は,強磁場•高温下での磁気特性を解明するために,ファラデー型高温•強磁場磁化測定装置を開発,磁場0-10 T,温度300-773 Kで強磁場磁化測定を行った.その結果,磁場により転移温度は2.3 KT-1で上昇,さらに626K以上でMnBiのメタ磁性転移の観測にも成功した.これら結果は,MnBiの磁気相転移や結晶構造だけでなく,分解と合成(包晶反応温度)も磁場によって制御できることを示唆している.