Flux Pinning Properties of MgB2 Thin Films on Si Substrate Prepared by EBE Method

As-grown MgB2 thin films on Si substrates were prepared by electron-beam evaporation. The value of Jc has been enhanced by the deposition of MgB2 thin film in an O2 atmosphere. The MgB2 thin film deposited in the O2 atmosphere (O2-doped film) has exhibited the highest Jcin magnetic fields among MgB2 thin films reported before. It has been found that the high Jc of the O2-doped film is attributable to the flux pinning with grain boundaries strengthened by an introduction of MgO along grain boundaries. In a high magnetic field, a peculiar behavior of E-J characteristics where E-J curves vary in two stages was observed. This behavior also originates from the flux pinning with strengthened grain boundaries.
Grad. School of Sci. Tech., Kumamoto University: T. Fujiyoshi, M. Haruta, R. Kajita, K. Yonekura, T. Sueyoshi
Dept. of Eng., Kagoshima University: T. Doi IMR, Tohoku University: S. Awaji, K. Watanabe
熊本大学大学院自然科学研究科:藤吉孝則,春田正和,梶田 龍,米倉健志,末吉哲郎