7) Anomalous Power and Spectrum Dependence of THz-Radiation from Femtosecond-Laser Irradiated InAs under High Magnetic Field
The THz-radiation from a femtosecond-laser-irradiated InAs is investigated up to 14 T by use of 15T-CSM. We found that the power of THz-radiation exhibit anomalous magnetic-field dependence, including saturation, decrease, and recovery up to 14 T. Moreover, the radiation spectrum possessed a clear periodic structure over 6 T, possibly due to the differently phased radiation from different holes. These experimental findings imply there is rich, undiscovered physics to be explored. Moreover, this new information should be helpful for the design of THz emitters for new applications.
Institute for Molecular Science: Hideyuki Ohtake, Hidetoshi Murakami, Nobuhiko Sarukura
IMR, Tohoku University : Gen Nishijima, Kazuo Watanabe
Reference : Hideyuki Ohtake, Shingo Ono, Masahiro Sakai, Zhenlin Liu, Takeyo Tsukamoto, Nobuhiko Sarukura,
"Saturation of THz-radiation power from femtosecond-laser-irradiated InAs in a high magnetic field",
Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 (2000) 1398-1400.