Structural Control of Dispersed-Magnetic-Nanoparticle Films using High Magnetic Field
FePtやFePdなどの強磁性体ナノ粒子膜に対する強磁場による膜構造制御の可能性を検討した.Si基板上にスパッタ堆積させた極薄膜を強磁場中(10 T)で熱処理すると,孤立した微粒子(約5nm程度)からなる膜が形成され,部分的には粒子の三角格子が形成された.これは双極子相互作用により磁場に垂直な平面内で粒子はお互いに反発したためと考えられる.
東北大学 金属材料研究所 : 市坪 哲,松原英一郎,渡辺和雄,高橋弘紀
A feasibility of structural control for a magnetic (FePt and FePd) ultrathin film by a high magnetic field has been examined. When ultrathin films sputter-deposited on Si substrates were annealed under a high magnetic field (10 T), distinctly isolated nanoparticles (about 5nm diameter) were formed, and furthermore, triangle lattices tended to be partially formed. This appears to be attributed to the repulsive forces caused by magnetic dipole interaction between the magnetic nanoparticles.
IMR, Tohoku University : T. Ichitsubo, E. Matsubara, K. Watanabe, K. Takahashi
Reference: T. Ichitsubo, M. Koujina, M. Kawashima, M. Hirao,
"Fabrication of isolated FePd nanoparticles by sputtering and heat treatment", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42 (2003) 2858.