X-ray Diffraction Study on the Itinerant 4f-Electron Metamagnet Ce(Fe1-xCox)2 in High Fields at Low Temperatures
九州共立大学 工学部:牧原義一,梅田和巳
広島大学 自然科学研究支援開発センター:藤井博信
東北大学 金属材料研究所:小山佳一,渡辺和雄
The field induced structural transition and the magneto-volume effect in the itinerant 4f-electron metamagnet Ce(Fe1-xCox)2 have been investigated by powder x-ray diffraction measurements in high magnetic fields at low temperatures. We found that the rhombohedral structure in the ground state changed to the C15-type cubic structure by applying magnetic field, accompanied by a metamagnetic transition.
Physics Dept., Kyushu Kyoritsu University: Y. Makihara, K. Umeda
N-BARD, Hiroshima University: H. Fujii
IMR, Tohoku University: K. Koyama, K. Watanabe
Referrence: Y. Makihara, K. Koyama, K. Fukushima, K. Watanabe, H. Fujii,
"X-ray diffraction study on Ce(Fe1-xCox)2 in high field at low temperature", to be published in J. Magn. Magn. Mater.