Critical Current Properties in YBCO Coated Conductors
under High Magnetic Field

Transport properties in YBCO coated conductors fabricated by the trifluoroacetates-metal organic deposition (TFA-MOD) process were investigated at wide range of temperature and magnetic field up to 25 T. High values of Jc and Ic, 2.1 MA/cm2 and 251 A at 77 K in self-field, have been achieved by improving the fabrication processes. The superior Jc property was remained even in high magnetic field over 20 T, e.g. Jc value at 30 K in 25 T was 1.0 MA/cm2. The statistical distribution of Jc was also estimated within the framework of percolation model.
Dept. of EESE*/ RISS**, Kyushu University: T. Kiss*,**, M. Inoue*, M. Takeo*
IMR, Tohoku University: S. Awaji, K. Watanabe
ISETC-SRL: T. Izumi, Y. Shiohara
Reference: M. Inoue, T. Kiss et al., "High magnetic field property of critical current density in YBCO coated conductor fabricated by TFA-MOD process", to be presented in ASC 2004.
TFA-MOD法によって作製したYBCO線材の高磁界特性を調べた.プロセス条件の改良によって,高いJcならびにIc値を有する試料が得られると共に,均一性,磁界中特性の改善が見られた.30 K, 25 Tの強磁界中で1.0 MA/cm2のJcを維持している.
九州大学 電気電子システム工学部門*/超伝導システム科学研究センター**:
東北大学 金属材料研究所:淡路 智,渡辺和雄
超電導工学研究所:和泉輝郎,塩原 融