Interplay between Dilution of the U-Sublattice and Pressure in Determining the Magnetic State of UCoAl-Based Materials

We have prepared a single crystal of U0.94Y0.06CoAl and studied the field and temperature dependence of magnetization under hydrostatic pressure. Dilution of the U sublattice by Y in the 5f-band metamagnet UCoAl leads to paramagnetism above 15% Y but at low Y content the spontaneous ferromagnetism is stabilized, presumably due to a small lattice expansion and increase of the U-U spacing. The ferromagnetism vanishes at 0.3 GPa and a characteristic S-shape magnetization curve develops under pressure. Temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility shows reentrance of the metamagnetism under pressure as well.
Joint Lab. for Magnetic Studies (Czech Republic): A.V. Andreev, V. Sechovsky
Institute of Metal Physics (Russia): N.V. Mushnikov
IMR, Tohoku University: K. Koyama, Y. Shiokawa, I. Satoh, K. Watanabe
Reference: To be published in the Journal of Alloys and Compounds.
Joint Lab. for Magnetic Studies (Czech Republic): A.V. Andreev, V. Sechovsky
Institute of Metal Physics (Russia): N.V. Mushnikov
東北大学金属材料研究所: 小山佳一,塩川佳伸,佐藤伊佐務,渡辺和雄