Selected Topics of 2001 HFLSM Annual Report
2008/04/08(Tue) 11:14
- 1. High -Tc Oxide High Field Superconductors
- 1) Vortex Phase Diagram of YBa2(Cu1-xZnx)3Oy Single Crystals
- 2. Conventional High Field Superconductors
- 2) High-Field Intermetallic Compound Superconductors
- 3. Magnetism in High Fields
- 3) X-ray Diffraction Study in High Field at Low Temperature for Ce2Fe17
- 4) Magnon Thermal Conductivity in Low-Dimensional Quantum-Spin Systems
- 5) NMR Study on Even-Legged Quantum Spin Ladder NH4CuCl3
- 6) High Sensitive ESR and CR Measurements at High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures
- 4. Optical Properties in High Fields
- 7) Anomalous Power and Spectrum Dependence of THz-Radiation from Femtosecond-Laser Irradiated InAs under High Magnetic Field
- 5. Other High Field Physical Properties
- 8) Giant Shubnikov de Haas Oscillation in two-Dimensional Organic Conductor, τ-(EDO-S,S-DMEDT-TTF)2(AuBr2)1+y,(y~0.75)
9) Shubnikov - de Haas and de Haas - van Alphen Effects in the Vortex State of the Organic Superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 - 6. Chemistry, Biology and Crystal Growth in High Fields
- 10) Formation of Glass Microspheres under High Magnetic Field
- 7. High Field Magnet Technology and Related Experimental Technique
- 11) Cryogenfree 23 T Hybrid Magnet