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2008/04/08(Tue) 11:28

Critical Current Properties in YBCO Coated Conductors under High Magnetic Field


九州大学 大学院システム情報科学研究院 電気電子システム工学部門*/九州大学 超伝導システム科学研究センター**:木須隆暢*,**,井上昌睦*,竹尾正勝*
東北大学 金属材料研究所:淡路 智,渡辺和雄
(株)フジクラ:飯島 康裕,柿本一臣,齊藤 隆

Detailed measurements have been carried out on current transport properties in YBCO coated conductors over wide range of magnetic field and temperature. High field properties in the YBCO conductors are superior to that of conventional superconducting materials. Based on theoretical studies on percolative resistive transition in random pin medium, we derived an analytical expression which allows us to describe the nonlinear transport properties as a function of magnetic field and temperature (solid lines in the figures).

Dept. of EESE*/ RISS**, Kyushu University: T. Kiss*,**, M. Inoue*, M. Takeo*
IMR, Tohoku University: S. Awaji, K. Watanabe
Fujikura Ltd.: Y. Iijima, K. Kakimoto, T. Saitoh
Reference: M. Inoue, T. Kiss, et. al.,
"Estimation of E-J characteristics in a YBCO coated conductor at low temperature and very high magnetic field", Physica C, in press.